Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Short Explanation of Resveratrol

I found this explanation of Resveratrol on a site. I think it explains what Resveratrol do. Enjoy.

Everyone dreams of slowing down their aging process. The quest in finding “The Fountain of Youth" has been written about in books though out the ages. But, through science and research it is becoming a reality for many today. Red wine which is made up of grapes is the center of this discovery.

It has been in the news in recent years about red wine and the French Paradox. The French Paradox is a nutritional contradiction that has been the envy of many. The French who drink a high amount of red wine with their meals also eat three times as much saturated animal fat as Americans, but suffer from a third less many heart attacks.

Red wine has even been given approval in the US Dietary Guidelines. The guidelines claim that drinking red wine in moderation can be beneficial to your heart. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans has been published jointly every 5 years since 1980 by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture.

At the Harvard Medical School, renowned researcher Dr. David Sinclair and his partner Dr. Westfall, discovered the key ingredient in the skin of grapes that they claim lead to the best anti-aging discovery of this century. That ingredient is Resveratrol. They have found that Resveratrol is a way to extend life by minimizing and even preventing diseases in the body that lead to the common health problems we all face today as we get older.

In a recent interview Dr. Westfall talked about his research on Resveratrol. That key ingredient can help the body live longer and make it less prone to various forms of disease that is becoming more common to many Americans today.

Resveratrol is a very powerful antioxidant that can help eliminate free radicals that cause damage to cells in the body especially as we age, or other factors that put our bodies under stress. This can help slow down the aging process.

Aside from the anti-aging benefits, Resveratrol is claimed to help improve the heart, help prevent cancer, fight the affects of Diabetes 2, increase your energy level, and promote effective weight loss.

Resveratrol has been written about in numerous books. Dr. Joseph Maroon, author of "The Longevity Factor" thinks that Resveratrol has these 10 health benefits:

  • Antioxidant

  • Cancer Protection

  • Anti-Inflammatory

  • Reduces Obesity

  • Cardio-Protective

  • Protects from Infection

  • Anti-Viral

  • Neuro-Protective

  • Ischemia Protective

  • Prevents Aging

But you would need to drink a thousand bottles of red wine a day to see those benefits and anti-aging effects.

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